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The 20th CASSSP Annual Conference Will Take Place on September 21-22, 2024 in Harbin

The 20th Chinese Science and Technology Policy and Management Annual Conference and the Council Meeting of The Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy (CASSSP) will be held on September 21-22, 2024 in Harbin. The Conference is sponsored by CASSSP, organized by Harbin University of Science and Technology, and co-organized by the Editorial Offices of Studies in Science of Science, Science Research Management, Science of Science and Management of S.&T. and Innovation and Development Policy.

Professor FANG Xin, Honorary President of CASSSP, will serve as the president of the Annual Conference. Professor MU Rongping, President of CASSSP will serve as the president of the Academic Committee of the Conference.

The Conference will call for papers openly. High-level papers will be selected through anonymous review by experts. These papers will be accredited by CASSSP and recommended to Studies in Science of Science, Science Research Management and Science of Science and Management of S.&T. based on the themes of the papers and the requirements of the journals (papers that are not accepted by the journals can submit to other conferences or journals after the Conference). English papers are also welcome. The accepted papers will be preferentially recommended to Innovation and Development Policy.

I. The Theme of the Conference

The theme of the Conference is "New Productivity Forces: The Foundation of Material and Technology and The Regional Innovation System". The Conference aims to carry forward the spirit of the "new productivity forces" proposed by President Xi Jinpin during his visit to Heilongjiang in September 2023, and explore the ways to consolidate the material and technological foundation and optimize the regional innovation system, exchange ideas on the transformation of scientific and technological innovation governance, institutional transformation and policy development, and to realize scientific and technological development and industrial reform, promote the development of new productive forces and the construction of a modernized economic system, and to forge ahead on the Chinese path to modernization with the high-quality development of regional and national innovation systems.

II. Important Time Lines

1. Please RSVP from May 10 to July 15, 2024. The venue of the Conference and hotel information are to be confirmed. The submission requirements and ways will be announced in the third round notice of the Conference;

2. The submission time of the full paper is from May 10 to August 15, 2024. The submission requirements and ways will be announced in the second round notice of the Conference.

III. Contact

KANG Haixia: 15030365725

XING Ying: 15941131041


The Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy
